Parents congratulate each other with the beginning of the school year, but many children, including in the photo of star families – not a festive mood. The long summer vacation, which is almost nowhere else in the world, is very relaxing – and in September it is necessary to additionally motivate children to study including go math 6th grade. What can parents do to restore a child’s desire to learn?

Is there a c

onnection between mental development and motivation?
Motivation is given to us by nature. Successful mastery of a new skill or cognitive achievement is inevitably followed by a surge of happiness hormones. So successful learning can even be felt on a physical level. The desire to learn appears when the child himself or herself wants to acquire new knowledge and skills.

At the same time, motivation is in no way connected with mental go math first grade and development and general abilities. The more a child wants to expand his or her understanding of the world, the more effort he or she makes to learn well. If there is no desire to learn new things, there is no desire to go to school.

How to keep the interest in learning: 9 ways
If your son or daughter does not show interest in learning, especially after the prolonged vacations, you should not give up. There are a number of ways to help build academic motivation.

Don’t apply pressure. Want your child to come to the idea that doing homework with go math 2 grade is a good thing? Never force him or her to do homework. Better explain that if you prepare in advance, you can write the test faster and be free earlier. Offer your child an interesting way to spend free time together: a walk in the park, a board game, etc.
Be sure to track and voice your progress. And it’s nice for an adult when their achievements are noticed. And for a child, it is especially valuable. Timely praise can motivate even the most desperate underachiever.
Show the benefits of learning by example. Children copy the behavior of adults. When I was a kid, there was no TV in my family, but all the adults – mom, dad, grandma – were desperate book lovers: books were read, discussed, given as gifts. I learned to read very early on – I guess I had no other choice.

Always be ready to assimilate new information, show how you can look for it and apply it. Use encyclopedias, reference books, search engines, as soon as there is any question, even if it seems silly: why is the grass green? What count Dracula looked like? Why the penguin knees? So you teach your child to operate with information and find answers. Gradually the questions can become more complicated. Put questions in front of your schoolchild that he is sure to be interested – so you can instill in him a desire to learn.

An example is the story of Denis and his mother, with whom they attended tennis lessons together. The boy was inspired by the activity of his mother, and she, despite the fact that she ran her own business, always found time for additional training and joint activities with her son.

Put an emphasis on the results achieved. Often parents only point out their child’s mistakes. Try to do the opposite – focus on successes. Even if there are 33 corrections in the essay, there are probably a couple or three well phrased phrases. Praise your son or daughter for them, tell them that they help to understand the essence of what is written. This way you can maintain interest even in those subjects that are difficult for a student.
“Eat the elephant” piece by piece. Often children don’t want to do “homework”, afraid that they will fail or make too many mistakes. All you need to do in this situation is to break a difficult task into parts. And then solve it in stages.
Take breaks. Firstly, a child’s brain periodically needs a rest. And secondly, the so-called Zeigarnik effect works, when the interrupted action wants to finish. Children come back to the task themselves if they are given a few minutes break. But some still need a reminder: “And remember, you wanted to solve that funny problem about rabbits?
Leave the child a reserve of energy for other activities. A schoolboy is unlikely to be happy if preparing lessons takes all his energy! It is in your power to organize his schedule. Explain that it is better to do the tasks when there is energy and time to spare. The ideal option – in the afternoon or in the evening after the walk. And then you can do something pleasant – play or watch a movie. This is a great motivator for children and adults alike.
Nastya’s parents make a monthly plan for entertaining evening activities. The list includes interesting walks, outdoor activities – all the things their daughter loves. An important condition for what is planned to happen is that everyone must do their homework. For example, Daddy should go grocery shopping, Mommy should cook dinner, and Nastya should do her homework.

Create a system of rewards. Find out what makes your child happy, and use that incentive as a “recharge. Get a “C” in history-let’s go see the movie they’re talking about with their parents! Such motivation pushes children to the feats – they diligently “pull up” even the most disliked subjects.
Expand the range of interests. The intensive learning process requires discharge. Sections, clubs, hobby clubs help children relieve stress after school. Additional communication helps to see where the knowledge gained at school can be useful. And why it is worth it to fill the gaps, for example, in physics or geometry.
Learning is a complex process with its ups and downs. A child is capable of overcoming most obstacles on their own. But support from parents is necessary. It is especially important when your own strength runs out. Sometimes all it takes is a couple of timely words of praise to get the desire to learn back.

Apply all the points or use them selectively – it’s up to you to decide. But do not rush things – give your child time to change.