Primary Homework Help for Math

How to help children prepare their math homework

Dear parents! Today we will talk to you about how to help students with their math homework.

Homework is necessary, first of all, because it develops the skills of self-study, so that each student would consolidate new knowledge gained in class, to train in the performance of simple and complex tasks, to test themselves. It is the right thing to do when parents let their child understand from the beginning of school that the lessons are on a par with the most serious things that adults do. As a rule, most parents try to help their children with the preparation of lessons (especially in junior school). This assistance ranges from individual short explanations to complete the task in place of the child. In any case, there are many problems. How do I help my children prepare their homework? A few tips to help both children and parents:

The daily routine must be observed.

Any schoolchild should have a habit of strict and systematic preparation of lessons. Children should decide in advance whether to do lessons immediately after coming from school or, for example, after lunch or dinner. However, once the approximate time for homework has been determined, the timetable should be kept as clear as possible. After a while, homework will simply become a natural part of the daily schedule. Go to the site and find out more

Organize the workplace.

A child should not be distracted from doing her/his homework, nor by telephone, social networks or television. On a table besides the textbook and a workbook there can be mathematical directories, drawing tools, high school students should know the list of sites which can help in preparation.

Distribute tasks by difficulty.

Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects in the school curriculum, so it is better to start your homework with this subject. The time to do math depends on the age of the student and the level of their mathematical preparation. In junior school, work takes ~ 30 minutes, in middle school ~ 30-40 minutes, and in high school ~ 40-50 minutes.

Where to start executing M/A in mathematics

  • read the paragraph of the textbook, learn the rules, new definitions and concepts, analyze the examples given. There are often questions at the end of each paragraph that need to be answered.
  • view the class work, pay attention to the algorithms of solving tasks, the design of tasks.
  • perform the written part of the work.

What are the reasons for a student’s inability to do math homework?

He may simply not understand the new material, and therefore not be able to do his homework.

What can I advise my parents in this case?

If your child has not learned the new material in class for any reason, you can suggest that they read the paragraph and understand the theory together. And then try to do a practical task.

Go to the online resource dedicated to mathematics. There you can find articles that sometimes explain the material more clearly than teachers or parents do to the best of their ability. You don’t just have to rely on this source, but if you need it to help you solve the task faster, why not use it?

If parents are not able to help their child to understand the topic, you should warn the teacher before class about the reasons for not doing homework and take the topic to the next class consultation or after class. At our school, every maths teacher spends consultation hours.

Often children use GDZ to prepare their homework, and these collections are bought by their parents themselves. If there is a mechanical decommissioning, there will be no benefit. But you can do things differently: to understand the decision, to understand it and the next task to try to perform on a sample. But it should not be abused, it should not enter the system.

The child may have serious problems with mathematics in general, for example, due to the unformed necessary educational knowledge and skills.

It was the second reason we encountered when we performed the entrance slice test in mathematics in September. For example, in the 9th grade section, I included assignments on basic, basic math topics from 5th to 8th grade, starting with arithmetic actions. As it turned out, almost 70% of ninth-graders could not cope with the work. And most of these students had problems starting in 5th grade. The reasons for this could be different: change of schools, teachers, lack of control by parents, etc. But it was necessary to correct the situation urgently, ahead of the JEG. Children came from different schools, studied according to different textbooks, where the topics were not always the same. Additional consultations were appointed with the “neglected” children, main gaps in knowledge were identified, recommendations were made, deadlines for submitting problematic topics were set. The work is under way and there are already some results.

In case you see an obvious lag of the child in the subject, objectively confirmed by the child or the teacher and are unable to help the child to provide a level of education that would cover the lag, you can turn to the assistance of a professional.

A Complete Guide to Past Tenses

The past in the present

Art history magazines have long been an integral part of the art process. Moreover, they shape public opinion, set cultural trends, bring clarity to vague contemporary art, which the current speed of time does not give any chance to comprehend. Meanwhile, the art magazine has its own history of origins, or rather, a lot of stories, which led to the fact that art publications today have occupied a particularly stable niche in the modern media world. What made them so special and where the need arose from – that’s what we’ll try to figure out.
To do this, we will have to go back several centuries, to the second half of the 17th century, when the Enlightenment era was just emerging and European printing was gaining momentum. The development of sciences promoted the need to popularize and regularly highlight the achievements of scientists, as well as to write about various social events. Thus, through the efforts of Denis de Salleau, Councillor of the Paris Parliament, in 1665 the first journal in the history of mankind – the Journal des savants – appeared in France. Sallo enterprise, which we see today so simple and familiar, was a real discovery for the XVII century. The scientific community was surprised that such a simple and at the same time fruitful idea, which has accelerated the progress of science, no one has yet implemented. Read more information on this site

Denis de Salleau attracted a lot of worthy people of the era, his fellow scientists, such as Guy Patin, Abbot Burzeis, Homberville, Chaplain – thanks to which such a difficult project received such a high level of performance, offering quality materials. Moreover, de Sallo invited readers to send their comments, thus implementing the principle of feedback. In the same magazine, the first illustrations appeared: maps, schemes, engravings, drawings. One of the first and most curious illustrations was a drawing of lice, 50 cm in size. Here we also see examples of successful marketing: in order to expand the readership, the Abbé de la Roc (next editor) successfully added to the magazine’s description – “A brief collection of all the amazing things that happen in nature, and all the most curious discoveries in science and art. France has become the cradle of magazine business and has served as an example for all other countries in Europe.

It is worth mentioning Pictorial Review (1835-1844, Moscow) – the first Russian scientifically popular illustrated encyclopedic journal with the aim to “disseminate useful information between all ranks of readers”. This magazine cannot be referred to as an art publication because of its broad thematic focus, but it included sections of science, art and knowledge and fine arts and was the first publication focused on the popularization of art. At the same time, Art Newspaper appeared in St. Petersburg, which published materials covering the cultural life of the capital, also placed essays on Russian and foreign artists, articles on the history of art of different countries. The Vestnik of Fine Arts, published by the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, promoted realistic art, published articles on Russian and foreign painting of modern and past epochs, and paid great attention to illustrations, phototypes, and politicization.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, La Belle Époque of European history produced both beauty and great demand for it, and the consumer. It is therefore no surprise that between 1890 and 1914, many art magazines appeared. And in addition to journals originally focused on the Bohemian, high society and intellectuals, in connection with the democratic movements of that period, there are a number of publications aimed at disseminating artistic knowledge among the people.

One of the most significant journals of that period was the World of Art, published in St. Petersburg from 1898 to 1904. The World of Art published in St. Petersburg from 1898 to 1904. Diaghilev for the purpose of propaganda of creativity of Russian symbolists, the World of art became the mouthpiece of new trends in art and in many respects defined development of Russian culture at the turn of centuries. Publishers of the World of Art – participants of the circle of symbolist writers of the same name – provided readers with wide opportunities to get acquainted with the world art life of those years, offering articles and notes by A.N. Benoit, I.E. Grabar, V.V. Kandinsky, excerpts from works by prominent Western art theorists, reviews of foreign editions, reproduction of exhibition expositions, reproductions of contemporary Russian and Western European painting and graphics. As one of the ideologists of this magazine Dmitry Philosophers wrote, for the World of Art the priority was “care about the “dense stuffing” of the magazine, the abundance of thoughts and words in it”.

Mathematics for preschoolers. How do you teach a child to count? Сommon core math example.

Mathematics for preschoolers. How do you teach a child to count? Сommon core math example.

Psychologists and teachers claim that the child’s brain is ready to remember the score at the age of two. At this time, the child is able to count from one to ten. By the age of three or four, the child begins to count consciously, and he can do it in his mind only from four to five years. The sooner you help your child realize the power of numbers, the easier it will be for him at school.

Now let’s move on to the rules to be followed during math class. 1.

Systemic. Common core math example.

If you have set yourself the goal of teaching your child to do math, then include math lessons in your daily to-do list. Math k8 will help your child prepare for math. It is clear that reminding you of the numbers once a month will have no effect. In this case, the system is important – classes should be held regularly. It is not necessary to tire your baby for many hours of lessons, it will be enough to give mathematics 20-30 minutes a day (if the child is tired, you need to take a break). 2. Calm and only calm. If you’re not ready to say goodbye to your emotions, it’s better to throw the idea of self-learning the account. After all, in this case the main assistant will be patience and peace of mind of the teacher. If you have explained 10 times the same thing, but your little student did not understand anything – do not despair and do not point him to failure. Distract his attention and do something else – play hide and seek or walk. As soon as you and your baby calm down, start to explore the right section with renewed energy. 3. Interest will increase progress. Math lessons should be a holiday for your child. These are not monotonous couples in the institute or boring lessons in school. Everything here should be in playful shape – bright, fun, dynamic. Come up with different schemes of classes, try unusual methods to interest the child. Do not sit at the table all the time – it will tire the child, he will lose attention to the subject. Learn the score in mobile games, ask your child to write numbers on the board, learn poems about math, etc. 4. Repetition to fix it. Each lesson, try to give at least five minutes to repeat the material already passed. In doing so, make sure that the child does not thoughtlessly grind the subject, and understand it. It is useful to return to the studied topic in the context of more complex tasks. 5. What the lesson consists of. The content of the lesson depends on the age and level of development of the child. Please note that your young student should understand the difference between number and number. When we talk about the number, we mean the symbols that denote the number – 5, 7, 9. If we use the word “number,” we mean the number of objects. Start learning with your child first by counting to five. This can be done both in the classroom environment and between classes. Count the buses, trees, toys that pass by. Ask your child to help you set the table – let him count how many plates he needs. Show him the benefits of the bill, because now he can easily share the candy to buy Mom and Dad. In class, work out your cards. They should show different numbers of animals, fruits, toys, etc. Let your child count them so that he or she understands what counting is. Once this stage has been completed, move on to the study of numbers. The student should understand that numbers represent the number of specific subjects. Several objects are always indicated by the same number. For your child to be interested in learning numbers, buy a magnetic set of numbers – let him build magnets on a fridge or special board. Do not be stingy on the usual cards, where on one side are drawn objects, and on the other their number is indicated by a number. Buy a special manual for early learning of mathematics – study on it, in such publications are many interesting tasks.

Mathematics for preschoolers. How do you teach a child to count? Сommon core math example.

Once your child has mastered the numbers from one to ten, enter the term “zero”. Explain that it means something that isn’t. Let the student try to count what is not: “We had three apples, we ate them, how many left? Nothing means “zero.” Make sure your child understands the subject, not just the numbers. Try to teach him to count not only to five or ten, but in reverse order. Let the assignment find the missing number between the two. Ask your child to answer which number is after seven and which is before four, etc. If your student has learned to count to ten and the numbers, you can begin to study addition and subtraction. Pay your child’s attention to the fact that the words “pick up”, “take away”, “lose” indicate a decrease in what is already there, that is subtraction. Explain that the words “add”, “bring” indicate increase, i.e. addition. It is important that the child understands in which cases there are fewer objects and in which more. For common core math example, the one who gives the balls, there are fewer. And the one who took the gift, there are more balls. It will be much easier for the child to understand the addition and subtraction, if you visualize the process. Take pencils and show them what “take away” means and what “add” means. Let the child first learn the calculations within ten. After winning this stage, add one number to ten, and focus the child’s attention on this number in the home. It is important to talk the calculations out loud – show your child what they look like, sound like, and mean. Try to approach the learning process yourself with pleasure, and your child will notice it and experience the land of numbers with joy and enthusiasm.

10 fun ways to teach your child touch math.

10 fun ways to teach your child touch math.

Since the activities of the toddlers – the game, and learn the easiest way to play. Here are the most interesting and exciting fun activities that teach the child the basics of mathematics. If before reading, counting and writing were taught only in school, but nowadays the curriculum is designed for the first-grader already knows something. In some schools, when enrolling in the first grade, there are even interviews where children are asked elementary questions in order to assess their level of development. Therefore, it is worthwhile to teach the toddler how to add and subtract before school. How can you do it quickly, easily and funnily? Of course, with the help of 1st grade math games!

The bill with the handy materials. The first thing to do чтобы touch math is to teach the kid to count from 1 to 10.

It’s easy to do: count stairs, elevator buttons, house windows, trees, flowers, playground bars, dogs and cats, people – everything you can see. When the crumb has mastered basic counting, start adding and subtracting. Examples can be invented on the move (there was one grandmother, but she was approached by another – how many grandmothers are there now?), you can count on your fingers or prepare special material for training. For example, a magic mathematical box for addition. Take any box with a lid and make two holes in it so that you can slip small toys or objects (balls, buttons, beads). Hang an example paper above the holes and ask your child to put the right amount of objects into the box. For example, 4+1 – your child puts 4 buttons in one hole and one button in the other. Ask the baby to guess how many buttons are in the box, then open the lid and check. At first the baby will be wrong, but soon enough he will learn to count in his mind. Games with food. What could be more fun and clear than counting with food? Take a bowl with something small, which the child can eat a lot (you have to repeat the examples many times to remember). Like berries, slices of fruit or corn sticks. Put the food from the bowl on a board or plate and make up examples to add up. “There was one strawberry on the plate, let’s add another strawberry – how much did you get?” It’s not hard to guess how eating can help you learn subtraction. “There were three strawberries, you ate one, we subtracted it. How many are left?”

Games with Lego details. Suitable for any other similar designer. There are many ways to teach your child how to add and subtract using parts. For example, building a tower out of blocks. “We had three yellow bricks, add two red ones. How many floors did our tower have?” That’s how you remove blocks – it’s a subtraction. The other option is to make a track out of the blocks, write the numbers from 1 to 10 on them with a flush marker and walk with a Lego man. “The man took one step and then two more steps. How many steps did you get? So he took three steps forward and then one step back is minus one step. How many steps did he make?” Playing games with plasticine. It’s gonna be fun to score with plasticine, too. Roll a lot of colorful plasticine balls with the baby. Put them on the table, add and subtract them by turning them into scones. The child will love to press the balls with the palm of his hand. When the crumb has mastered addition and subtraction, you can move on to the composition of numbers. For example, explain that two balls and three flatbreads add up to five. The peg count. The clothespins are a very handy tool for teaching to touch math to older preschoolers. Stick example paper (3+1, 4-2, etc.) to the clothespins and ask your child to pin each one to a card with a number that is the correct answer. For example, the “3+1” peg should be pinned to a card with the number 4. Another option is to put the clothespin with an example in a glass, on which the correct number is written (not only clothespins, but also wooden ice cream sticks – you can write examples on them too). Examples with dominoes. The idea for teaching adding up. Together with your child, count the dots on the dominoes and write down the corresponding example on paper, where two numbers are the number of dots on the two halves of the knuckle. Not only can you write down the numbers, but you can also draw the knuckles themselves to memorize them even better.

10 fun ways to teach your child touch math.

Playing dice wanderers. Another add-on game. Take any board fermenter, a couple of playing cubes and start playing. Teach your child to add up points from two dice to see how many steps he can take.

“Dwarves in the cabin” by Sergei Polyakov. An experienced teacher, author of his own methods of teaching reading and mathematics, Sergei Polyakov believes that it is important to wean your child from counting on his fingers as soon as possible and teach him to count, which involves both memory and thinking. To do this, it is necessary that your child remembers the composition of numbers. Of course, it is necessary to start with one dozen. The material is a box with painted squares of cells and the same cubes. It’s a house and dwarves. Each dwarf takes one square, a room. First, teach the little one to determine how many dwarfs are in the house, not counting them with his finger. Daily training will achieve this very quickly. And then move on to the tasks: let the dwarfs come and go from the house, and crumb in his mind to figure out how many of them inside. After setting the task, close the box with the lid or hand, so that the baby can count from memory. When he answers, let him put the cubes into the box or remove them from the box and check if he has solved the example correctly. Glenn Doman’s method. Glenn Doman, a diaper-teaching enthusiast, also assures that the main skill for your baby is to determine the number of items on the move. In Doman’s mathematical method, a picture with chaotically drawn dots and a card with the corresponding number are shown to crumbs. Over time, the child learns to choose the right card by quickly determining the number of dots. With the same cards, children are taught to add, subtract and equal. The method of Nikolai Zaitsev. Account training is carried out on cards “Account”, which show numbers from 0 to 100 and their quantitative composition (you can buy or make them yourself). All cards are tables with 2 rows and 5 columns, and each figure is illustrated by painted cells. When going to the study of tens use several cards: the number of painted cards, equal to the first digit (ten), and the card units with similarly painted cells for the required number. As with Zaitsev’s tables for reading, it is necessary to place cards on walls of children’s room at eye level of the child. Each time, studying new numbers, you put up additional cards, and you get a training “steam train” of numbers, thanks to which you will see the order of numbers and the composition of the number. Starting from the first ten Zaitsev offers to acquaint a toddler with simple actions above numbers: addition and subtraction. All examples are solved on the same digital chain – the child simply moves forward or backward on a given number of cards, thus receiving the answer.

How do you learn to write beautiful texts? Write with taste! Is gre hard?

The ability to write beautiful texts is not always a rare gift of nature. Now is the time for intellectual growth! And almost everyone can develop the skill of skillful presentation of information.

How to write beautiful texts that appeal to the reader?

How do you learn to write beautiful texts? Write with taste! Is gre hard?

Attractive writing style is not just about matching the genre. What matters is the interesting structure of the text, the use of certain words, turns and other “chips”.

The author’s style, the unique slogan of the copywriter is immediately noticeable, despite the technical methods – seo keys, advertising slogans, bullion lists, etc..

To write beautiful texts, you need to think beautifully. Is gre hard.

As experience shows, without creative passion it is difficult to create a convincing, selling a unique article. And it does not matter – it is women’s popular topics or a narrow direction of the technical field.

Collecting material, you can find a lot of interesting, useful things for yourself. Information – inexhaustible!

Before writing an article, do what you are particularly inspired. Take a walk in the park, test the speed of your car, relax in the computer game, with your favorite magazine, movie, ride on rollers, dance, finally.

Choose something that will stir up your best feelings, hold this mood and sit down to create an article. You’ll be surprised how quickly and easily the excitement of the walk will turn into the right words. This method has long been used by great writers and creators.

How do you learn to write beautiful texts?
What is the style of written speech used in copywriting?

A bit of theory…

Speech style is a selective manner of transmitting thoughts, which refers to a specific topic of communication. That is, special tools that determine the quality and speed of communication.

Oral speech is the most primary representation of our thoughts. It is natural, emotional, and sometimes subjective and chaotic.

It is a spontaneous or prepared form of information transmission, often using non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, intonation, gestures, postures) that enhance the semantic effect.

Despite the apparent imperfection of oral speech compared to written speech, it often benefits from the authenticity of feelings, i.e., “live”, genuine emotions.

Written speech is more content, priority, “carefully combed”, logical and meaningful. At the same time, it is important to beautifully design the text and not to overload with unnecessary information, is gre hard. The aim is to evoke a concrete response, to get a result.

Today, written forms of speech often replace the oral reproduction of thoughts, we communicate on a pre-prepared “paper” and many speakers can hardly do without a special cheat sheet or clue.

To learn to write beautifully, you need to know a few basic styles:

Scientific style in copywriting
It is intended for obtaining new knowledge. It uses professional terms, monographs, scientific quotations and excerpts from primary sources acceptable to this readership (CA) to create such articles. Nouns are used here more often than verb parts of speech.

Characteristic features of the scientific style are complex sentences, long paragraphs, structural word formations, abbreviations and abbreviations of some common constructions are allowed. For example: that is (i.e.), and so on – (etc.), and so on (etc.), thus (i.e.), the second stage (2nd stage).

Publisistic dynamic style
The main function of this writing style is to influence the feelings and behavior of readers (potential customers). It is more often used in informational, analytical, advertising and selling texts, in public and political sphere.

The publicistic style of written speech is usually transmitted through the media. These are newspaper reports, PR articles for magazines, TV and radio programs, for public speeches at meetings, presentations, congresses, meetings, etc.

Its distinguishing features are bright appeals, stimulating proposals, advertising slogans, as well as availability, relevance and simplicity of presentation. More verbs than adjectives are used.

Such articles are designed for mass perception. The information genre is characterized by short forms of speech and logical construction of phrases.

As a rule, these are reports, interviews, interpretations, etc. The analytical genre includes essays, reviews, letters, reviews, technical comparisons, etc. The analytical genre is characterised by short forms of speech and logical construction of phrases.

Conversational style when writing beautiful texts
It is intended for the audience of social sphere, for simple everyday conversation and dialogues between people. It has shades of different emotions, ease and accessibility.

It is allowed to use humor, irony, some familiarity, light jargon, author’s personal techniques to create unique word forms.

Texts written in conversational stylistics most often have bright emotional coloring (threatening or joking, intimate, inoffensive, etc.).

How do you learn to write beautiful texts? Write with taste! Is gre hard?

Artistic style for writing beautiful texts
When the copywriter is a beginner, the first thing he tries to do is to create art articles (stories, discussions) by gaining experience and filling his hand.

The presentation may include the author’s personal position with the use of all sorts of metaphors, idioms, winged phrases, quotes, artistic descriptions. Such texts can be supplemented by any forms of adjectives of different degrees.

Official (business) style in writing a beautiful text
In this case it is characterized by the manifestation of laconism, accuracy, compactness and conciseness of information presentation, exclusion of subjective opinion of the author.

Basically, similar articles are created for officials and the enterprises of public-law sphere. In style of written speech various documents, acts, instructions, orders, agreements, contracts and other business papers are created.

5 main criteria for quality text:

Suitability of information. That is, a clear correspondence between the given topic and the interests of Central Asia (target audience)
Short. The absence of unnecessary words (literary water) makes the article unobtrusive and accessible for quick understanding. Fewer words make more sense.
The richness of speech. Correct use of synonyms, adjectives, aphorisms, beautiful expressions and metaphors in the text.
Availability, clarity, simplicity and lightness are important components for creating quality articles in copywriting, online gre course for writing texts.
Speech intelligibility is the convenience of reading, pronunciation aloud and comfortable perception of information.
Grind your author’s styles, write with taste!

Beautiful texts for you, friends!

What is essay: how to write gre essay?

What is essay: how to write gre essay?

In order to identify knowledge and understanding of a particular topic, students are often asked to do their own work and essays. One such task may be an essay, which is a creative statement where the author can reflect, share his vision of the situation. And though it is a free form of presentation, there are practical recommendations on how to write gre essay. We also suggest further consideration of features, characteristics, and distinctive features.

What is an essay?
Initially it is customary to say that an essay is an essay, but it is a somewhat erroneous opinion. What is an essay can be understood unambiguously only when the defining qualities of the genre, the requirements for composition and design, features and differences from the work are considered. One thing is certain – it is a prosaic genre of free composition in a small volume.

Defining the qualities of the genre
The term originates in French, where literally an essay is translated as “sketch” or “essay”. Depending on the issue dealt with in the work, the author must express:

individual experiences;
a personal view of the situation;
an exhaustive answer to the question;
his or her own impressions and opinion;
conversational, casual style of presentation;
emotionality and aphorism of speech.
In such a work must be traced logic, the ability of the author to clearly argue these or those conclusions and opinions. The information is presented competently, in the right order and structure.

More decisive factors can be obtained if the type of essay is predetermined. It can be literary, philosophical, historical, spiritual and religious, artistic or artistic and journalistic, analytical and other types of independent work.

Requirements for an essay
In order to understand in advance what a pupil or student’s work looks like, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements. The following points are marked here:

no more than 1-2 pages in length;
a clear and understandable idea, a single whole basis;
short, concise writing without water, the author focuses on information that reveals his position and opinion;
clear structure, logical and competent composition of the text;
a single paragraph reveals only one question or thought;
the author should demonstrate awareness of the topic, the sequence of disclosure, using deciphering terms, dates, worldview ideas;
there must be a convincing argument for the stated problem.
An essay may be a story or discussion about a book, film, magazine or newspaper article, television programme, literary work, social and political issues, and the like.

Characteristic features of an essay
Now it’s time to look at the specifics of such work. Characteristic features are the following:

A narrow topic that always has a problem to be considered by the author and the audience.
Presence of subjective evaluation and position of the performer. He or she should not only understand the topic and see the problem inside it, but also give the methods of its solution, proof of their effectiveness, using personal style, speech, and thinking.
The text is conducted in a conversational genre; there is no room for too long sentences and intricate formulations. There should be an immediate connection between the writer and the listener, but it is inappropriate to score the slang. Clarity and formality will bring short and clear utterances, different intonation in sentences, the right emotional coloring.
The problem should not only be formulated, but also have a trial analysis. The pupil presents his point of view, supports it with arguments, but only on the basis of generally established and accepted facts.
Whatever the topic and scale of the problem is identified, the presentation is brief and concise. The teacher cannot limit the number of pages, but practice shows that 1-2 sheets will be enough.
The structure should be free, the presentation has no clear framework. The student should only rely on his own logic.
Logic should be holistic, i.e. the essay should have an inner unity based only on the statements and opinion of the performer.

The purpose of this type of creative presentation is the author’s ability to inspire the listener to reasoning, analysis and empathy with the problem. At the same time, it is important that the personal attitude to the topic is not imposed on others, principles and worldview as delicately and correctly presented to the audience.

The difference between an essay and an essay
This essay is largely reminiscent of other creative and independent works by students and pupils. But in order not to get confused in terms of concepts, it is worth considering the main points, in what it differs from other works, articles:

The essay is based on the analysis of an artistic work, and our work is based on the author’s point of view, his vision of the problem and ways to solve it;
the aim here is also different, to surprise and interest, to impress the listener with paradoxical statements, aphorisms and quotations;
the work has a conditional scheme of composition; in fact, teachers do not set frames or boundaries;
the definition of the problem and solution, the form of transmission of thoughts can be conversational and relaxed;
an integral part of an essay is the performer’s world view and reasoning, even if it is not always approved by the teacher and the audience;
it is a short form of self-representation, not tolerant of a copaste and the use of extraneous thoughts.
In this case, there should be a specific theme, a problem within it, the performer’s vision and his suggestions for a solution. In the works, reports, essays and scientific projects on the contrary, the range of issues is maximally extended, there are conclusions, generalizations and conclusions.

How to write gre essay

What is essay: how to write gre essay?

In the context of such creativity of the student there is no place for the imposed structure of the text, plan, cliche, the composition is built as arbitrary as possible. But there are recommendations on the choice of topic, the construction of internal structure and design, so that the result is logical, in the right chronology and competently designed.

To write “on excellent”, it is necessary:

select a topical theme;
consider the initial tasks;
make a structure;
draw up a plan and follow it.
Topic Selection
Most often, the teacher selects the most relevant topics for students. If no clear instructions have been given, you should choose something that is as audience oriented as possible. This may be a teacher, conference, commission, employer, literary community, or other.

Think about what criteria will influence the final assessment. It is desirable that you have at least some basic knowledge in this area to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge as much as possible. The listener will expect from you logic, originality, professional qualities, literacy, and the ability to structure proposals correctly.

If the text will be written for the employer, choose the topic through which you will be able to maximize the reflection of your best qualities and talents. Otherwise, strive for what you yourself will be extremely interested. Otherwise, boring and poorly understood topic will not give the opportunity to maximize the smart and competent to reveal their vision.

Where to begin?
Even knowing the stages of writing and disclosure of topics, most performers are very difficult to begin with something. It is good to have an example or a close template at hand, but often teachers give topics that have not yet been revealed by other students. A kind of introduction can be formalized by following simple advice:

Formulate the idea and purpose of creative presentation, find the best set of literature and sources;
Learn the freeriding technique of free writing of thoughts and ideas without following spelling, punctuation and design, which allows for extraordinary ideas;
don’t dwell on the introduction, you can design this part when you’re done, when you’re as open and understand the subject as possible;
the simplest scenario is to decide the question and then finish the answer with the arguments and facts.

Essay structure
There are no specific requirements as to how an essay is structured, but there is a sample that is easier to move around in order to create a competent text. The structure and order of writing contains 3 sections:

The introduction is the part that should motivate the reader to further study the material. Here the problem is formulated, a rhetorical question can be raised, important quotations can be used. Create the necessary emotional mood to bring the listener closer to the problem.
The basis – this part marks the problem, different views on it, the history of the question. Inside this piece of text, there should be subparagraphs:
thesis – a judgment with evidence;
Justification – a presentation of arguments to support the thesis;
conclusion – the answer to the question, most common words on gre for essay.
The main emphasis should be on arguments, for example, life situations, opinions of specialists and scientists. The sequence is as follows – a strong statement on the topic, your explanation, a visual example, a judgement on the outcome, and a conclusion.

Conclusion – complete the main part with a summary that lists the conclusions of all the theses, clarifies the problem and its solution. The reader should see a logical conclusion based on the reasoning.
How to make an essay plan
There is no such thing as a competent and correct plan before you write it. In the process of compiling all parts of the text, disclosure of the topic and problems, solutions and arguments, you will surely make multiple adjustments. Each point of the plan should be the main idea, inside them are allowed to detailed thoughts, that is, sub-items.

Practical tips

The free writing format allows you to make different changes, not to stick to frames or certain structures. But knowing what an essay consists of, it is easier to put aside everything superfluous by focusing on the important component. Specialists in this field can only share recommendations and practical advice.

Read the essays of other authors
Since this is about expressing your own opinion, it is important for you to form your own personal style. The most commonly used styles are expressive, publicistic, artistic, emotional and other. To understand what’s closer to you, read other people’s statements and publications more often, and look for sources with new works coming in.

Learn literature on a given topic.
All that is required from you is the formulation, disclosure of the topic, your own vision of problem solving. As a rule, the text is addressed not to “teapots”, but to the audience, which has at least a minimum idea about it. Therefore, delve into the topic, look for reliable sources, analyze before you take for writing.

Think of a structure and an essay plan.
The composition of the text can be arbitrary, you can limit yourself to an introduction, basis and conclusion, or you can add important points and practical parts to the plan. The cliche to the structure will be approximately the same:

theses and arguments;
conclusion .
a list of literature.
Don’t “overload” the essay.
Knowing what the ideal scenario is, do not try to expand the topic of research. Such creative research is written in brief, do not resort to excessive philosophy, examples, and reasoning. Otherwise the listener will quickly lose the thread of the problem and get bored.

Competent expression of your thoughts is the key to success.
Do not use other people’s quotations and opinions as your own reasoning, nor should you think something over and write from yourself. The essay should not be fiction, all theses and arguments use only the truth.

Common mistakes when writing an essay
It is equally important to know the most typical mistakes in the compilation of such work, so that in the process itself you do not make such mistakes. For example:

The fear of being misunderstood or uninteresting, which is why the author removes fundamental theses, terms and facts;
weak elaboration of details, when due to the desire to be brief the performer does not provide arguments and examples;
poor understanding of the problem, wrong formulation and deciphering of the topic;
use of other people’s thoughts without specification of authorship, as a result of which the author does not give his thoughts.
In spite of the fact that full freedom of creativity and possibility of the statement of the sight is given, it is important to avoid jargonisms, slang, words not on Russian language, slang and lack of sequence.

How to get the most out of your time

How to get the most out of your time

Time management is devoted to the whole volumes, its basic principles are taught by many truly successful people, repeatedly on personal experience convinced of their effectiveness.

However, there are many people who do not even know about the existence of such a subject as time management theory. However, no one will be prevented from learning how to use it in their own lives.

How to manage time

Different time management theorists usually agree on several basic principles, without which it is impossible to learn to use time efficiently. One of the main rules is to plan your affairs. Many modern people who are in a state of permanent zeitnota, just have to visually imagine what they have to do on a given day.

To do this, lists of tasks must be compiled. They can be quite extensive, and there will not be enough time to implement them. The principles of the so-called Eisenhower Matrix will surely be useful here. According to it, all cases are systematized according to their importance and urgency and are divided into four categories.

The systematization of priorities is simple. The first group consists of important and urgent cases, the second group consists of important and urgent cases that are not urgent, the third group consists of important and urgent cases, and the fourth group (also called the “trash bin”) consists of important and urgent cases. Ironically, the priorities will be the tasks of the second of the above categories. If a person concentrates on them, it is very rare – and even then mostly not due to his or her own disorganization – that he or she will face the tasks that need to be done as soon as possible.

In practice, important non-urgent tasks may be the coursework or the diploma, which the student has to pass by the end of the semester. Or an assignment assigned to an employee by his or her supervisor with a deadline in a month. If they are immediately taken up and slowly completed while dealing with other, more urgent tasks, they will be completed by the appointed deadline. Setting deadlines is another important principle.

Another well-known principle of time management is the combination of different tasks. Unfortunately, many people underestimate it. For example, an efficient hostess can load laundry into a washing machine, dirty plates and cutlery into a dishwasher, and simultaneously engage in lunch/dinner.

Also, while the dish is being prepared (if you don’t need to keep an eye on it at the moment), you can do some cleaning. The office worker will not have any difficulty waiting for an important fax, for example, to draw up a contract or to prepare documents for the shipment of goods. Already in connection with a completely different task from his must-do list.Good advice on how to save time. Multivarka is an indispensable gadget in a modern kitchen.

What are the mistakes of those who don’t have the time

At the same time, you shouldn’t be a perfectionist. Of course, any business should be done well. But that doesn’t mean they should be literally “licked”. Between a job well done and completing it “across the sleeves” – a huge chasm and cross it is not so easy.

Anyone who wants to learn how to effectively use their own time, should not be a workaholic. Undoubtedly, there will be situations in which you will have to stay at work, but a person who actively applies the rules of time management, this happens unusually rarely. In addition, he will remember that at the end of the working day it is important to rest, both morally and physically.

Evenings should be spent with family members, friends, for your favorite hobby – in a word, with those and for the business that brings spiritual satisfaction and with the main work is not connected. And be sure to allocate enough time for sleep.

How to get the most out of your time

Equally important is the proper organization of the workplace. All documents and other items there should be arranged in order to easily find the right one. Besides disorder in surrounding space promotes considerable decrease in enthusiasm and working capacity.

If a person has other employees under his control, he should learn to delegate to them some of the tasks assigned to him and periodically monitor their performance. Then the work will be completed in a timely manner and there will be no need to exert much effort because of it.

How do you recognize a person’s psychotype from external data?

Do you know who’s sitting in front of you in negotiations? Who is this person, how can you build a dialogue with him, how you should behave next to him and so on? This article will tell you how you can recognize a person’s psychotype by taking a close look at him/her.

This technique is a way to recognize a person’s psychotype by his or her “radicals” – personality traits in which individual traits are identified stronger than others. This method was suggested by Viktor V. Ponomarenko, a psychologist and manager. With the help of this method, you will be able to determine, without testing, to what type of person in front of you, it will be enough just to pay attention to his or her appearance, gestures, speech and facial expressions. This technique will be very useful for everyone who works with people, clients, staff, and those who are interested in their features and typology.

V.V. Ponomarenko is the author of the book “Technology of hidden control of people. The Methodology of 7 Radicals.” It is based on the observations of psychologists about the properties of human character. Radicals received their names from the terms that characterize personality disorders. Radicals precisely force a person to use the same patterns of behavior in different situations. The essence of the methodology is quite simple and accessible – by its external features it is possible to determine the components of character radicals.

It follows that at the moment, without any tests, you can see the features of your partner (psychological and communicative) by his behavior, manner of communication and appearance.

The radicals themselves:

  1. Paranoia (purposeful);
  2. hysteroid (demonstrative);
  3. epileptoid (sometimes stuck and excitable);
  4. schizoid (strange);
  5. Hyper intimate (cheerful);
  6. emotive (sensitive);
  7. Anxious (fearful).

Paranoia (purposeful) type

How do you recognize a person's psychotype from external data

Their goals are quite ambitious. People of this type stubbornly go even to the most incredible task. They are strategists, but not tacticians. The lives of such people are built on principles that allow them to walk on their heads in peace. Representatives of this type live with the motto: “He who is not with us is against us”. They are able to lie within the framework of their ideas, they consider only the final result to be really important. Very demanding of themselves and others, always assess the strengths and weaknesses of the interlocutor.

Usually people with paranoid radical are not susceptible to stress. It’s a strong personality type.

Distinctive traits:

People of the paranoid type are characterized by the classic style of clothing during working hours and the style of “militarism” in their spare time. Usually there is nothing superfluous in this style. Powerful and confident mime is characteristic of such people. Such people tend to often tear the distance with the interlocutor to confuse him, using bright gesticulation.

It’s a confident speech. An arrogant tone is possible. Such people like to speak on topics that are of interest to them. They are consistent in expressing their thoughts (first, second, third) and often use rigid formulations, words and grades.

To achieve mutual understanding with such people, one must demonstrate one’s strength (or status). During the conversation to refer to the opinions of authoritative people, to show their erudition. It is worth giving the structure of arguments, as the representatives of the paranoid radical themselves do (first, second, third). You can convince your interlocutor of the importance of your proposals for the solution of the global idea.

Representatives: Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro.


Everybody wants to like the hysteroidal radical. Life is theater for them, and those around them are the spectators. So they act demonstratively, perhaps provocatively, want to be noticed. In communicating with such people there is manners, and with it excessive talk. Hysteroids believe in what they say, despite the possible mistrust. It’s the result of a desire to embellish the story. Such a person takes every opportunity to speak out. It’s a weak psychotype.

Distinctive traits:

Often these people wear defiant clothes, it is either bright, or complemented by a large number of accessories and thick makeup in women. In men you can see the excessive presence of jewelry, or any other eye-catching details of the appearance. For example, a neck scarf, an abundance of rings, etc.

People with a dominant hysteroidal radical do not hide their emotions. They are wide smiles, laughter with their mouth open, sadness with tears, universal sorrow.

Wide, picturesque gestures and accented postures prevail. Speech is emotional and expressive, with dramatic pauses.

It is better to be a listener with such an interlocutor. A person with a dominant hysteroidal radical reveals himself if you pretend to believe the game. It is worth just asking to repeat the story, if you want to test such a person for falsehood.

Representatives: Timati, Lolita, Philip Kirkorov.

Epileptoid (stuck)

One of the types of people with epileptoid radicals is the epileptoid stuck. That means that this kind of person doesn’t switch well from one class to another. Usually they’re systemic, punctual, slow-moving people. For them, preparation is important if there is an event or decision to be made. They should always have everything in place. This category of people does not tolerate when someone changes their planning. The motto of these people’s lives is “My home is my fortress”. Contacts are badly established. From the outside, it might seem like a moody or angry person. Also stuck legible when choosing friends.

If still such a person called you a friend, he will never betray and sacrifice everything for you. An epileptoid loves his business, because it rarely changes jobs. Its social benchmark is the family.

Distinctive traits:

A straightforward, confident look, sometimes it can seem difficult to the interlocutor. Emotional outbursts are rare for such people. The movements are clear, but the speech is sluggish.

Talking to such an interlocutor is a success if you always give him some proof by answering his questions. The process must go smoothly. The epileptoid should be interested in you, in which case the alliance will be ensured.

Representatives: Anthony Hopkins, Nikolai Valuev.

Epileptoid (excitable)

This variety defines the category of tough, partly violent people. They can play sports, or participate in any competition. Excitable epileptoids, as well as stuck ones, are neat and tidy. These people love short haircuts and athletic style in their clothes. They’re always ready to get into a fight. You can also notice the love of hierarchy and cynicism to others. Such people are blindly following the instructions. At the moment of achieving goals excitable, easily blame others, including false. These people are unpredictable and impulsive. They only seek to achieve personal goals. They are inclined to do asocial things, alcoholism, drug addiction. It’s a strong psychotype.

Distinctive traits:

Excitable epileptoid proponent of athletic dress style. A straight look, aggressive, facial expressions more often small. Heavy gestures, with stressed muscle participation (plays with muscles). This is just a demonstration of strength. Speech is slow and hard, perhaps sluggish.

In communication with this type of people it is best to keep a distance (otherwise it will immediately begin to press). It is also important to show your importance in the matter of interest. It is not necessary to provoke him to recklessly sharp actions. Otherwise, the person you are talking to may get hot and the situation will be difficult for you to keep under control.

Shizoidal (strange)

This category of people has its own ideas about reality and its own vision of situations. They are people who have their own world. They are characterized by unpredictable behavior. They are introverts, and in today’s world they consider themselves “Not like everyone else”. They often have ridiculous looks. They seem to be fragile people, sometimes awkward. The psychotype of these people is weak.

Distinctive features:

Often their clothes can be sloppy. Unlike the hysteroid type, schizoids don’t have the image to which they correspond. Characteristic look – past their interlocutor, into nowhere. Mimicry and gestures may be mismatched (e.g., joy on the face, and fists clenched). Gestures are quite embarrassing, but speech is quite intellectual, with an abundance of terminology, perhaps pointing to various sources of information.

Considering that such people are introverts, personal communication does not bring them pleasure or joy. In the case of personal contact, in a conversation with them it is necessary to avoid sharp evaluations and direct criticism, they are very touchy. It is better to set tasks focusing on the end result, and report only on the results achieved. Such person does not perceive processes.

Representatives: Albert Einstein, Mark Zuckerberg.

Hyper intimate (cheerful)

These are usually energetic people who love life. These people are very optimistic. They are happy with everything new and never discourage communication. They are characterized by wit and a good sense of humor. Such a person takes up several tasks at once and solves them. This psychotype is also characterized by flexibility and quick switchability. Hyperthymes often prefer extreme recreation (in nature). This is a strong psychotype.

Distinctive features:

Dress first of all comfortable for themselves, without constraining their movements. The mime is lively and energetic. Gesticulation is vivacious and fast. In the movements of hypertimed fidget, often drops things, stumbles into corners and people. It’s a passionate speech. Such people can talk and miss the essence of the conversation, but then suddenly return to the topic.

Open free communication with such people is quite acceptable. They are always in contact, inclined even to excessive trust.

Representatives: Jim Kerry.

Emotional (sensitive)

The emotive radical includes people who are distinguished by a pronounced kindness. Such individuals are used to empathize – in the conversation usually listen carefully and show understanding. They are emotionally passive people who like to observe others’ experiences more than they like to experience for themselves. Emotives like to watch movies with emotional scenes (melodramas), read books that evoke acute emotions. There is a tendency to avoid conflicts. It is a weak psychotype.

Distinctive features:

Clothes are nice, soft, concealing movements or just comfortable. Weak, insecure mime. Such people can be distinguished by the effect of “wet eyes”. Smooth, no angular gestures, can stroke themselves during the conversation. Silent speech. Such people are more willing to listen, they have almost no objections and rarely lie.

Equality should be shown with such people. It is also important to show their trust and try to find something in common.

Representatives: Audrey Totu.


This type is characterized by increased anxiety, constant reinsurance against errors. Such people often cannot make their own decisions. They try to close themselves off from communication, when making contacts they are very worried. They have their own calming rituals. They are punctual and follow the instructions to avoid penalties. They are people who are restrained in their statements and actions. Their motto is “Measure seven times, cut one off.” It’s a weak psychotype.

Distinctive traits:

How do you recognize a person's psychotype from external data

Uncovered, closed clothing. Dark and gray monochrome or with a fine geometric pattern of fabric are preferable. The mime is weak, insecure. Gestures are aimed at complacency, often touches himself, breaks his hands. Poses at such people are constrained, as if in anticipation that is about to “break off” from a place and run. Speech is quiet, insecure. Afraid to say the wrong thing.

It is recommended that such a person should show encouraging signs of attention, trust, praise, it is better not to criticize without needing. If criticism is necessary, it should be presented in a way that the person understands that there is nothing wrong with the situation. Also, when dealing with “troubled” subordinates, it is necessary to give the most detailed, accurate instructions.

To reveal your psychotype, pay attention to the following series of visual signs: appearance, facial expressions, speech, gesticulation, behavioral features and space design. By analyzing each radical, you can create a portrait of your psychotype. All of the above features together will help you determine what type of character you have. There are no useless and insignificant qualities and character traits. It is important to understand what kind of psychotype a person refers to in order to competently build a chain of communication with them. Even a weak type has its own strengths – you should focus on them, to express your individuality, and the weaknesses to pull up.

The technique facilitates typology, allows you to avoid testing and allows you to establish contact more quickly. This technology has found its application in various areas of work with people, especially it was loved by intelligence agencies, with which the author worked closely.

How to understand the other, how to understand yourself. The art of seeing people through.

How to understand the other, how to understand yourself

All people are different, but for some people communication is of paramount importance because of its extraversion or the nature of its character, work habits, lifestyle. In case it is important for you to understand the other, which equally means to understand yourself, to develop and improve your ability to “see through people”, you will be interested to learn about the secrets of “understanding” people. People who understand others well, understand themselves first of all, trust their instincts and have a lot in common. Here are some character traits, behavioral features, communication techniques of experts in this field, the knowledge of which will be useful. And in the power of any person to develop these qualities in themselves. But first, a little self-analysis, which will complement the picture of our strengths and weaknesses in understanding other people and ourselves, of course. Answer the following ten questions in the most sincere way possible: 1. How do you feel about your past? 2. Do you listen attentively to what you are told? 3. Do you pay attention to details or do you try to form a general idea about someone or something? 4. How do you express your feelings, openly or discreetly? 5. How do you behave in an unfamiliar situation? 6. Are you afraid of difficulties and how do you deal with them? 7. Do you know what can make you happy in everyday life? 8. What’s your memory? 9. How often do you make the right decisions at work? 10. How do you make decisions – do you trust your advice or do you listen to yourself? What answers say about your perspicacity, your ability to understand yourself and others: 1. People understand others when they perceive their past as a necessary experience. They tend to use different ways and techniques to achieve their goals. And they look at failure as the inventor of Edison’s bulb: “I found a thousand ways to make a bulb. And I didn’t make a thousand mistakes, even if it’s different every time. Ideally, all you have to do is not make the same mistake. People who can understand the other, remember very well how they felt when they had serious problems. They are very sensitive to trouble, so they do everything they can to make sure that it never happens again. 2. They pay the utmost attention to everything that people say, how they say it and how they look. It makes it much easier for them to remember exactly what others are saying. 3. 3. They constantly monitor a person’s reactions – their movements, gesticulation and facial expressions – and therefore know how they act on others and how others act on them. 4. They are not afraid to express openly all their emotions – from anger and fear to love – because they always know how they feel in any given situation. 5. They are so receptive to everything that happens around them that they easily avoid the threat of becoming a victim in potentially life-threatening situations. 6. They have confidence in themselves. They know that they will not only survive but also win because they know how to surround themselves with reliable people. 7. By paying great attention to even the smallest details, they simultaneously see the bigger picture and are able to enjoy the small joys of life. 8. They have a good memory, which they develop by closely following what is happening around them and studying the people they have to deal with. 9. In their business, they are more likely to make good decisions than bad ones. If they take risks, they carefully weigh the pros and cons, because they know the many nuances and possible approaches to solving the problems they face. 10. 10. They trust their intuition and their personal experience and do not succumb to the influence of others. Because of their broad outlook, they rarely choose to be friends and comrades with people who can only cause them grief and trouble.

By doing so, you will find that you have become immeasurably better at understanding what others really meant and what they really are. And the more active you will put your knowledge into practice, the sooner you will learn to distinguish decent people from those who are able to cause more trouble and problems. Before you start a business or personal relationship, you should stop, pause – a minute, two, look at the expression and gesticulation of another person, listen to what he says and how he says, and most importantly, to understand what he impresses us. For example, you realize that you shouldn’t have anything to do with a person, because he is completely contraindicated to you, but still go for it. In this case you just need to remember that the relationship with such people will not only cause you anxiety, but also undermine your health. Once you understand that because of someone your life can literally be in danger, it will be much easier for you to say “no” to such a person, because health and well-being, of course, above all. Taking it as a rule to stop, look around and listen every time you meet a new person, you will develop an amazing insight into other people. And when you have to make a fundamental decision about a person, you will make the right and accurate choice. To “see through” a person, you need to decode correctly and in a timely manner all the information that he informs with all his behavior, not only with the meaning of the words he said. Deciphering another person’s behavior is easy to do by relying on four sources of information: Deciphering the speech code. A person’s voice gives only part of the keys to his or her inner world; just as important is what words he or she uses and what he or she actually means. What do people really mean by what they say? How sincere are they? Don’t they release questionable compliments, aren’t their courtesies, in fact, disguised bumps? Do they not spread gossip about you? Don’t they have a habit of always talking only about themselves? What is their vocabulary and do they follow the rules of grammar? What do they really talk about when they listen to what is “between the lines”? By listening to the voice code. A voice can say a lot about your condition. It’s especially evident when you talk on the phone. In a moment, you determine the mood of the person on the other end of the wire. The voice code is defined by the tone of the voice. Many elements of this code are familiar to you, but you may not have paid enough attention to them. These include the range of the speaker’s voice (high or low), its distinguishing features (the person mumbles, talks more and more quietly, voice complaint, sharp, serious, hoarse, melodic, low, sound, dull, lifeless, enthusiastic, excited, aggressive, sweet or monotonous), as well as the volume of the voice and the pace of speech, which primarily depend on the technique of speech of a person. Looking at the code of the body language. The body language code is a kind of pebble from a person, which shows how he walks, sits and stands. The way a person holds his or her head is no less important when analyzing the body language code than the movements he or she makes with his or her hands and feet. Observe, for example, how much space a person occupies when sitting, or how far away he usually tries to stay. Reading the facial expression code. Each person’s face expresses something, and it is the face that we understand what is on his or her soul. The facial expression code shows how someone’s face changes when they listen to others or speak for themselves. At the same time, the expression of the eyes has as much meaning as the facial expressions. How does a person listen to you: with his mouth open or with clenched teeth? Maybe he frowns, looks away, takes his eyes off? If you look closely at the expression of the person you are talking to, you can assess what he actually said in a completely new way. Every detail of a person’s facial expression can tell a lot of interesting things about him. How a person who is able to understand others and understands himself or herself behaves is applicable to the above four codes, i.e. the person with whom one wants to deal, to make friendships, close acquaintances, to make a part of one’s life, and from whom, to all other things, there is something to learn. I will immediately agree that this description is averaged, does not mean that it must be copied and give up its individual characteristics. It is most correct to keep your identity, but what you like and suit you, you can take in your piggy bank useful habits.

Speech code. Understanding, or as they are called reliable, people willingly come into a conversation and talk politely and kindly. They tend to think before they say anything, keep their word and know what they are talking about and doing. They do not stingy on compliments and say them from the heart. Understanding people are not inclined to talk about the bad and find the good side in any situation. At the same time, they are sincere and honest, wherever possible. Reliable people are responsible for their actions and speak and act accordingly. They accept people for who they are and do not want to judge anyone. Understanding people are willing to share information with others and always make sure that the conversation is useful to all participants.

How to understand the other, how to understand yourself

Their manner of speaking speaks for modesty, simplicity and lack of ego. They have a good sense of humor, but do not ridicule others or try to say anything that might humiliate another person. They speak the essence of the conversation, directly and understandably, trying to avoid ambiguities. They are excellent listeners, helping the interlocutor to prove himself at his best. Understanding people value communication and sincerely show people their affection. Voice code. The manner of speaking of understanding people allows them to express a variety of feelings. When they discuss something, their tone expresses the emotions that are relevant to the occasion. If they are upset, happy, scared or concerned, it is immediately reflected in their voice. The tempera and volume of their voice change depending on the topic under discussion. Reliable people speak clear and understandable words, their voice is expressive. They hear cheerfulness and optimism, and in the manner of speech you can feel the power that makes the interlocutors listen carefully. Body language code. Reliable people move freely and hold on so that people see their willingness to communicate and do not feel uncomfortable. When talking, they often lean towards the person they are talking to and are not afraid to touch them. They like to nod to cheer people up and show them their interest. Reliable people always take a comfortable posture, but maintain a good posture, hold their head high, stretch their shoulders and do not hunch. With the movements of their hands they are able to show their interest or emphasize a particular thought. Gesticulating, show the interlocutor their palms and keep their fingers straight, showing that they have nothing to hide. As they sit, understanding people freely spread their legs or place them one on top of the other, which also indicates that they are open. The feet pressed tightly against the ground and looked towards the person they were talking to. The code for facial expression. When speaking, understanding people gladly look a person right in the eye and do not look away. Their interlocutor feels that for them in the whole world there is no one more important than him. Usually reliable people have a calm and open expression that indicates that they are ready to communicate. They have a lively mime, a slight smile on their face, and the lower part of their face remains relaxed when they talk and listen. If they smile, it’s only sincere, because when they smile, their lip tips rise, and wrinkles appear around their eyes, and they infect others with their fun. The expression of the face is consistent with what they are going to express in words. If they are upset, you will immediately feel it not only by their tone, but also by the expression of the face. When reliable people like someone, their pupils dilate and they start to smile all the time.

How to understand people better: three psychological theories

How to understand people better: three psychological theories

Knowledge of the features of the psyche helps to communicate in any field, better understand both close people and friends. Here are three interesting psychological theories with which you can better interact with others, as well as understand yourself.

Dunbar Number
Researcher Robin Dunbar linked the activity of neocortex, the main cortex of the large hemispheres of the brain, to the level of social activity.

He looked at the size of social groups in different animals and the number of grooming partners (an important part of caregiving, such as hair-raising in primates).

It turned out that the size of neocortex was directly related to the number of individuals in the community and the number of those who cleaned each other (analogue of communication).

When Dunbar began researching people, he found that there were about 150 people in social groups. That means everyone has about 150 people they know who they can ask for help or provide them with something.

A close group is 12 people, but 150 social connections are a larger number. This is the maximum number of people we have contact with. If you know more than 150 people, some of the past connections go away.

We can put it another way:

These are people you wouldn’t mind drinking with in a bar if you happened to meet them there.

Writer Rick Lux tried to challenge Dunbar’s theory. He wrote about trying to do it:

“In trying to challenge Dunbar’s theory, I actually confirmed it. Even if you decide to challenge Dunbar’s number and try to expand your circle of acquaintances, you will be able to interact with more people, but that’s a lot of 200 people or even less.

This experience has allowed Lux to draw attention to close relationships:

“After my experiment, I felt respect for..:

  1. British anthropology.
  2. To my true friends.

I realized that there are not many of them, but now I treat them much better and appreciate them more”.

The Dunbar number will be particularly useful for marketers and people working in social media and branding. If you know that every person can only interact with 150 friends and acquaintances, it will be easier to respond to rejection.

Instead of getting angry and upset when people don’t want to communicate with you and support your brand, think about the fact that they only have 150 contacts. If they choose you, they have to give up someone they know. On the other hand, if people make contact, you will appreciate it more.

What about social media, where many have over a thousand friends? But with how many of them do you have any way of communicating? It’s likely the number is close to 150. As soon as you have new contacts, the old ones are forgotten and just hanging out with your friends.

Many people periodically clean their list and delete those they won’t communicate with, leaving only the people they care about. This is not quite right. The fact is that it is important not only strong connections, that is, your immediate environment. Morten Hansen’s book “Cooperation” describes how important for a person weak social contacts (in particular, those that are made through social networks). They are the key to new opportunities.

The study has shown that it is not so much the number of connections that matters for human development as the diversity of them. Among your acquaintances there should be people who hold opposite views, with different experiences and knowledge. And such a contingent is quite possible to find in a social network.

Weak connections are useful because they lead us into unfamiliar areas, while strong connections exist in areas already studied.

The Hanlon Razor
It’s a statement by Robert Hanlon, author of the Pennsylvania joke book, and it sounds like this:

Never attribute to evil intent anything that can be explained by foolishness.

In the Hanlon Razor you can replace the word “stupidity” with “ignorance”, i.e. lack of information before making a decision or an action. And here’s how it works: When you feel that someone is treating you badly or doing something mean to you, first dig deeper and see if it has anything to do with a trivial misunderstanding.

For example, if you received an email from an employee who is harshly opposed to your idea, maybe they just don’t understand it. And his resentment wasn’t directed at you, he only spoke out against an idea that seemed stupid or dangerous to him.

How to understand people better: three psychological theories

Moreover, it often happens that acquaintances try to help a person by their own methods, and he takes it as a sneaky act. People by nature are not evil creatures, so that behind every imaginary harm can hide good intentions, just ridiculously expressed.

Herzberg’s motivational factors
The latter theory can help in communicating with colleagues or even with friends and spouses. The concept was put forward in 1959 by Frederick Herzberg. Its essence is that satisfaction and dissatisfaction with work are measured differently, not being the two ends of the same line.

The theory assumes that dissatisfaction depends on hygienic factors: working conditions, salary, relationships with supervisors and colleagues. If they are not satisfied, dissatisfaction appears.

But work is not liked because of good hygienic factors. Satisfaction depends on a group of reasons (motivation), which include: pleasure at work, recognition and opportunities for growth.
We can deduce the following statement: working in a highly paid position with comfortable conditions, you can still feel lousy if, for example, you do not trust serious projects and do not notice the effort.

And the fact that you get recognition and realize the benefits of your actions will not compensate for the fact that you are paid a penny for this, forcing you to work in a terrible environment.

This theory is particularly useful for those in charge of personnel in a company. Now you will understand why people, despite good conditions, still quit.

For those who are dissatisfied with the job themselves, this theory will help you find out the reason for dissatisfaction and overcome it. Also, if your friends, family or acquaintances complain about the place of employment, you will never tell them: “But you are so well paid there! You’re mad at the fat, stay.” This step can be very important for their future.