Mathematics for preschoolers. How do you teach a child to count? Сommon core math example.

Mathematics for preschoolers. How do you teach a child to count? Сommon core math example.

Psychologists and teachers claim that the child’s brain is ready to remember the score at the age of two. At this time, the child is able to count from one to ten. By the age of three or four, the child begins to count consciously, and he can do it in his mind only from four to five years. The sooner you help your child realize the power of numbers, the easier it will be for him at school.

Now let’s move on to the rules to be followed during math class. 1.

Systemic. Common core math example.

If you have set yourself the goal of teaching your child to do math, then include math lessons in your daily to-do list. Math k8 will help your child prepare for math. It is clear that reminding you of the numbers once a month will have no effect. In this case, the system is important – classes should be held regularly. It is not necessary to tire your baby for many hours of lessons, it will be enough to give mathematics 20-30 minutes a day (if the child is tired, you need to take a break). 2. Calm and only calm. If you’re not ready to say goodbye to your emotions, it’s better to throw the idea of self-learning the account. After all, in this case the main assistant will be patience and peace of mind of the teacher. If you have explained 10 times the same thing, but your little student did not understand anything – do not despair and do not point him to failure. Distract his attention and do something else – play hide and seek or walk. As soon as you and your baby calm down, start to explore the right section with renewed energy. 3. Interest will increase progress. Math lessons should be a holiday for your child. These are not monotonous couples in the institute or boring lessons in school. Everything here should be in playful shape – bright, fun, dynamic. Come up with different schemes of classes, try unusual methods to interest the child. Do not sit at the table all the time – it will tire the child, he will lose attention to the subject. Learn the score in mobile games, ask your child to write numbers on the board, learn poems about math, etc. 4. Repetition to fix it. Each lesson, try to give at least five minutes to repeat the material already passed. In doing so, make sure that the child does not thoughtlessly grind the subject, and understand it. It is useful to return to the studied topic in the context of more complex tasks. 5. What the lesson consists of. The content of the lesson depends on the age and level of development of the child. Please note that your young student should understand the difference between number and number. When we talk about the number, we mean the symbols that denote the number – 5, 7, 9. If we use the word “number,” we mean the number of objects. Start learning with your child first by counting to five. This can be done both in the classroom environment and between classes. Count the buses, trees, toys that pass by. Ask your child to help you set the table – let him count how many plates he needs. Show him the benefits of the bill, because now he can easily share the candy to buy Mom and Dad. In class, work out your cards. They should show different numbers of animals, fruits, toys, etc. Let your child count them so that he or she understands what counting is. Once this stage has been completed, move on to the study of numbers. The student should understand that numbers represent the number of specific subjects. Several objects are always indicated by the same number. For your child to be interested in learning numbers, buy a magnetic set of numbers – let him build magnets on a fridge or special board. Do not be stingy on the usual cards, where on one side are drawn objects, and on the other their number is indicated by a number. Buy a special manual for early learning of mathematics – study on it, in such publications are many interesting tasks.

Mathematics for preschoolers. How do you teach a child to count? Сommon core math example.

Once your child has mastered the numbers from one to ten, enter the term “zero”. Explain that it means something that isn’t. Let the student try to count what is not: “We had three apples, we ate them, how many left? Nothing means “zero.” Make sure your child understands the subject, not just the numbers. Try to teach him to count not only to five or ten, but in reverse order. Let the assignment find the missing number between the two. Ask your child to answer which number is after seven and which is before four, etc. If your student has learned to count to ten and the numbers, you can begin to study addition and subtraction. Pay your child’s attention to the fact that the words “pick up”, “take away”, “lose” indicate a decrease in what is already there, that is subtraction. Explain that the words “add”, “bring” indicate increase, i.e. addition. It is important that the child understands in which cases there are fewer objects and in which more. For common core math example, the one who gives the balls, there are fewer. And the one who took the gift, there are more balls. It will be much easier for the child to understand the addition and subtraction, if you visualize the process. Take pencils and show them what “take away” means and what “add” means. Let the child first learn the calculations within ten. After winning this stage, add one number to ten, and focus the child’s attention on this number in the home. It is important to talk the calculations out loud – show your child what they look like, sound like, and mean. Try to approach the learning process yourself with pleasure, and your child will notice it and experience the land of numbers with joy and enthusiasm.